Institutional Policy

Don Bosco College has established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities. They provide guidance to members in a number of academic areas. The College has regular maintenance and periodic replenishment of essential facilities.
College policy is to have effective mechanism for the upkeep of the infrastructure and other facilities as to have optimum utilization of the facilities in order to have effective college functioning.

The Policy on Providing Financial Support to the Teachers

This policy is in force in order to attend conferences workshops organized by Institutions of National repute, Universities and Colleges and towards membership fee of professional bodies


  • To encourage the teaching staff for presentation of research papers in conferences workshops

  • To support the teaching staff to avail opportunities for discussing the novel developments. the emerging challenges. future perspectives in their fields of interest.

  • To support the teaching staff to promote teaching-learning. research. Extension activities and governance through participation in conferences workshops.

  • To enhance their academic credentials in line with UGC expectations

Policy and Guidelines

Major categories for providing financial support to the teachers to promote

  • Teaching Learning and related activities

  • Research and related academic activities

  • Co-curricular, Extracurricular and Professional development Activities

On Duty Leave

Duty leave of a maximum of 30 days in an academic year may be granted for the following

  • Attending conferences, congresses, symposia and seminars on behalf of the college and attending meetings of recognized Teacher Associations

  • Delivering lectures in institutions and universities / colleges at the invitation of such institutions or universities, received by the colleges, and accepted by the Principal & Director

  • Working in another Indian or foreign university, any other agency, institution or organization when so deputed by the university / college

  • Participating in a delegation or working on a committee appointed by the Central Government, State Government, the UGC, a sister university / college or any other academic body.

  • The duration of leave shall be such as may be considered necessary by the Sanctioning Authority on each occasion. In case where duty leave exceeds 21 days at a time in view of travel time or any other relevant reason, the sanctioning authority shall consider sanctioning additional time on each occasion.


a. Those invited to attend academic conferences/ seminars/ symposia/ workshops. The level of the programme and the standing of the institution organizing the event should also be truly international/ national/ professional and capable of enhancing skills or adding to the professional accomplishment of the beneficiary.
b. Financial assistance may be provided in the following purposes

  • For Teachers delivering key- note addresses/ plenary lectures.

  • Those contributing a paper.

  • Those invited to Chair a session.

  • Those invited under International Collaboration Exchange Programmes.

  • Those invited to give Symposium/Works/talks/ invited lectures or invited to discuss arts.

  • For enhancing knowledge base through training and attending workshops

  • Professional/ Faculty Development Programmes.

Pattern of Assistance

  • Each eligible teacher is entitled to a grant of Rs 20,000 per anum to spend on these activities

  • In case, the amount is not sufficient, the applicant can seek funds from other sources.

  • Admissible expenditure will cover economy class Train fare by the shortest route; Railway Station tax, registration fees; and daily allowance as per rule. Late registration fee will not be reimbursed.

  • TADA will be admissible as per rule.

  • If the lodging and boarding charges are included in the registration fee, DA shall be regulated accordingly. This will apply to both categories of travel.

Application Procedure

Employees shall apply in the proper format (Annexure l) to the Registrar at least 20 days before the date of commencement of international / national event respectively. For international events, the application shall be submitted through the respective Head of Department which will be placed before a Standing Committee and sent to the Director with its recommendations. In case of Officers, these shall be routed through respective Controlling Officers.
Mode of Approval

  • The Standing Committee shall scrutinize the applications to be forwarded to the competent authority. The Committee shall consist of the Director,Principal, Head of respective Department and a subject expert (from within the school) shall form the Standing Committee to scrutinize the applications of teachers. (For international events only)

  • The Committee shall verify the suitability of the event for academic progression of the applicant, standing/status of the organizing agency; and likely impact on the departmental academic activities.

  • The applicant's proven record of research output and publication of the previous presentation for which such assistance was taken, if any, will be the important criteria.

  • In respect of officers, the possible impact of the proposed programme on overall administrative functioning shall be considered.

  • In case if multiple applicants are there from the same department preference may be given to those applicants who have secured partial assistance from external sponsors / sources.

  • Granting of financial assistance will depend on the grant received from UGC for the purpose and availability of funds in the College

  • The decision of the Director shall be final.

  • As far as possible Professors and Assistant Professors should be encouraged to go on invitation and/or seek funds from Other sources.

Monitoring the Outcome

  • The faculty should submit a detailed report along with the bills for adjustment (preferably) within a month of returning from the event.

  • If the settlement/adjustment is not been processed in one month's time of return, 25% of the sanctioned amount shall be withdrawn as penalty. However, in extraordinary circumstances, the Director may condone this.

  • For faculty attending the Training Programme/Workshop/Seminar should give a presentation in the department explaining the outcome/learning.

  • The Faculty attending International Conference/Seminar/Symposia, should publish his/her paper in a peer reviewed International/National journal within a year failing which his/her sanction would be withheld till his publication subsequent to sanction.

  • However, for local languages, the decision of the School Academic Committee shall be final.

  • The faculty attending National event Conference/Seminar/Symposia should publish his/her paper/abstract in proceedings or in some other journals.

  • The officer availing the facility should make a presentation about how the skills learnt may be utilized to strengthen the administration.

Processing of the Application
The Director's decision is binding and final . Prior permission for at least a month needs to be taken given the deadline-based nature of the events, and likely increase in the registration and travel cost due to delay, it is in the better increase in the applicant to abide by this. The institute will not be responsible increase in costs due to delays.
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